Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Rear Window Happiness

This is the view from my back door/window in my dining room/kitchen. This is a replica of Diana - Queen of the Hunt and it's in my artist/neighbor's back yard. When it first went up, I thought it was kind of grotesque, but I have grown to love this statue and I guess you could say it makes me happy to see it there every morning, rain or shine. She's particularly lovely in the snow. The original model for the original statue was Evelyn Nesbitt a famous beauty and show girl from turn-of-the-century New York. Her lover was Sanford White and he was shot dead as a doornail by her husband, Harry Thaw, who was crazy as a loon. Old Harry, scion of a very wealthy family, spent a few years in an asylum before he was sprung. It was a fabulous scandal that galvanized New York when wretched excess and extreme poverty kept people trapped in their different worlds and people fed off gossip about "the other half" - the more things change, the more things remain the same?


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